Resiliency Matters with Dr. Melissa Reeves

In this episode of Resiliency Matters, Dr. Melissa Reeves, past president of the National Association of School Psychologists and a nationally certified school psychologist, talks about four factors that build youth resilience, the power of positive climates, and the importance of setting clear behavioral expectations.For example, establishing and sticking to a routine is an effective way to help children feel a sense of security and psychological safety. When children know what the day will bring, they feel settled and more confident in overcoming adversity. Integrating device-free time into the daily schedule is helpful in teaching youth responsible use of technology. Dr. Reeves also discusses the importance of “catching kids doing good.” Kids need to hear what they’re doing well in specific terms. Give your child a minimum of 5 specific positive comments to any one piece of constructive criticism to shape the behaviors you want to see instead of focusing on negative behaviors.When there are tough moments, create a teaching moment and engage in dialogue rather than responding with punishments in order to help children learn to work through challenges.[embedyt][/embedyt]


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